L&D Spotlight

Leadership Learning Programs

Liz Stefan - Nifty Learning Season 2 Episode 203

In this episode, we explore the best strategy for L&D to create and deploy leadership learning programs with a realistic reach and influence and what type of work the company's leaders have to do to adopt healthy leadership behaviors throughout the entire organization successfully.

Guest: Andrei Postolache, Founder at Xeriously, leadership and soft skills consultant focused on the IT industry, author of "Fun & Fearless Leadership".

* Leadership is more nurture than nature; virtually anyone can develop their leadership skills.
* Leaders come in all shapes and sizes: charismatic, quiet, deliberative, introverted; not every leadership style works in every situation.
* Companies can support leadership development through formal and informal learning interventions and opportunities. Most companies will settle on a hybrid approach.
* Formal leadership programs are most necessary when a company is trying to reset its values and kickstart a new leadership journey.
* It takes months and even years for a company to see significant lasting changes in its leadership culture. This is especially true for large companies or situations where a radical culture change is needed. A relevant example is Nokia's failure to change its culture before running out of time and resources.
* A problem with leadership programs is that they are not persistent enough and not integrated with the rest of the culture.
* The organization leaders' task is to show to employees that they're consistently embodying, promoting, and supporting a change for the better.
* Cutting corners on culture will send the wrong message to employees.
* Improvements in leadership are hard or sometimes impossible to measure objectively. It's mostly a matter of observing, over time, if positive changes in culture are noticeable by both leaders and employees.
* L&D should be part of the leadership team and take part in the decision-making process when deciding to implement new programs.
* L&D does the bulk of the work of understanding the organization, creating leadership development strategies, planning activities, and creating/curating learning content.
* The leadership team, through its example, can make or break the success of any leadership development initiative.
* Having the right kind of culture and leadership mentality in the company is the number one job of the CEO.
* "The culture of a company is defined by the worst things leadership is willing to tolerate." - found in "School Culture Rewired" by Steve Grunaert and Todd Whitaker, as well as in a podcast episode on How to Build an Inclusive Workplace by Adam Grant.

How to start developing leadership learning programs:
1. Define the vision of the intended to-be leadership behaviors you plan to develop.
2. Break down the newly defined vision into values, then competencies and skills.
3. Create learning opportunities to promote and develop these skills.
4. Start with a pilot, then showcase the results to leadership. The company's leadership team is an internal customer of L&D, alongside learners.
5. Arm yourself with patience, as leadership development is a long-term endeavor.

To join the conversation or get in touch, reach out to Liz Stefan on LinkedIn or email liz[at]niftylearning.io.